class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ #
gradetools: a grading assistant in RStudio ] .subtitle[ ##
] .author[ ### Federica Zoe Ricci, Catalina Medina, and Mine Dogucu ] .date[ ### 2023-05-03 ] --- class: hide-count, middle, center .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[Federica Zoe Ricci] <img src="figures/federica-ricci.jpeg" width="20%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" />
<a href = ""></a>
<a href = "">federicazoe</a>
<a href = ""></a> ] .panel[.panel-name[Catalina Mari Medina] <img src="figures/catalina-medina.jpg" width="20%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" />
<a href = ""></a>
<a href = "">CatalinaMedina</a>
<a href = ""></a> ] .panel[.panel-name[Mine Dogucu] <img src="figures/mine-dogucu.jpeg" width="20%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" />
<a href = ""></a>
<a href = "">mdogucu</a>
<a href = "">MineDogucu</a> ] ] --- class: middle ## Workshop outline - What and why? - Example of basic grading with gradetools - Comprehensive demo - Resources (Q & A time) --- class: middle ## Terminology .emph[Grade] - Numeric score .emph[Feedback] - Qualitative (no score) --- class: middle ![:col_header <span style="font-size:23px; color:whitesmoke;">1. Preparation <br> <br> </span> <i class="fa-solid fa-file-arrow-down" aria-hidden="true" style="font-size:90px; color:whitesmoke;"></i>, <span style="font-size:23px; color:whitesmoke;">2. Grading and Feedback <br> <br> </span> <i class="fa-solid fa-pen-to-square" aria-hidden="true" style="font-size:90px; color:whitesmoke;"></i>, <span style="font-size:23px; color:whitesmoke;">3. Returning grades & feedback <br> <br> </span> <i class="fa-solid fa-file-arrow-up" aria-hidden="true" style="font-size:90px; color:whitesmoke;"></i> ] --- class: middle center <span style="font-size:23px; color:whitesmoke;">2. Grading and Feedback <br> <br> </span> <i class="fa-solid fa-pen-to-square" aria-hidden="true" style="font-size:90px; color:whitesmoke;"></i> -- We can think of automated grading and feedback tools as essentially long lines of if-else statements. --- class: middle ## Automated feedback example `library(learnr)` <img src="figures/learnr-example.png" width="85%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> [Example from learnr tutorial]( --- class: middle center <span style="font-size:23px; color:whitesmoke;">2. Grading and Feedback <br> <br> </span> <i class="fa-solid fa-pen-to-square" aria-hidden="true" style="font-size:90px; color:whitesmoke;"></i> Automated grading and feedback tools are essentially long lines of if-else statements. -- gradetools is NOT an automated grading or feedback tool. --- class: middle center gradetools is an automated grading workflow tool. --- .pull-left[ ## Tasks - Downloading student files ] <img src="figures/github-logo.png" alt="GitHub logo" width="20%" style="display: block; margin: auto 0 auto auto;" /> <img src="figures/canvas-logo.jpeg" alt="Canvas logo" width="20%" style="display: block; margin: auto 0 auto auto;" /> --- .pull-left2[ ## Tasks - Downloading student files - Open each student's file(s), one by one ] .pull-right2[ <img src="figures/screenshot-assignment-folders.png" alt="A folder structure titled hw-1. There are multiple hw01 folders for different students." width="180%" style="display: block; margin: auto 0 auto auto;" /> ] --- .pull-left2[ ## Tasks - Downloading student files - Open each student's file(s), one by one - Finding the corresponding student on the grade sheet. ] .pull-right2[ <br> <br> <img src="figures/excel.png" alt="A screenshot of Microsoft Excel" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto 0 auto auto;" /> ] --- .pull-left2[ ## Tasks - Downloading student files - Open each student's file(s), one by one - Finding the corresponding student on the grade sheet. - Evaluating student's work. ] .pull-right2[ <br> <br> <img src="figures/rstudio-logo.png" alt="A screenshot of Microsoft Excel" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto 0 auto auto;" /> ] --- .pull-left2[ ## Tasks - Downloading student files - Open each student's file(s), one by one - Finding the corresponding student on the grade sheet. - Evaluating student's work. - Assigning a score for the work. ] .pull-right2[ <br> <br> <img src="figures/excel.png" alt="A screenshot of Microsoft Excel" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto 0 auto auto;" /> ] --- .pull-left2[ ## Tasks - Downloading student files - Open each student's file(s), one by one - Finding the corresponding student on the grade sheet. - Evaluating student's work. - Assigning a score for the work. - Providing feedback. ] .pull-right2[ <br> <br> <img src="figures/rstudio-logo.png" alt="A screenshot of Microsoft Excel" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <img src="figures/github-logo.png" alt="A screenshot of Microsoft Excel" width="40%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <img src="figures/canvas-logo.jpeg" alt="A screenshot of Microsoft Excel" width="40%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: middle .pull-left[ ## Administrative Tasks - Opening and closing files - Finding the corresponding student on the grade sheet - Entering and storing grades to the gradesheet ] .pull-right[ ## Pedagogical Decisions - Evaluating students' work - Providing feedback - Assigning a score ] --- class: middle The gradetools package - .emph[automates] the repetitive .emph[administrative tasks] in the grading workflow - minimizes switching between different interfaces - .emph[saves time for] more meaningful tasks that require .emph[pedagogical decisions]. --- class: middle ## Feedback Examples | Example | Question | Student | |---------|-----------|----------| | "Please adhere to the Tidyverse style guide" | All | All | | "When interpreting the slope coefficient make sure to use units of measurement." | Specific | All | | "Thank you for your note, Menglin. I am glad you had fun doing the assignment." | All | Specific | | "Recall our conversation about the p-value during office hour ..." | Specific | Specific | --- class: middle ## Rubric | || | |----------------|----------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| | feedback | "Please adhere to the Tidyverse style guide" | What the student sees when they receive feedback | | prompt_message | code style | What the instructor sees while grading | | prompt_code | 1 | What the instructor enters while grading | --- class: middle ## Installing our package ```r devtools::install_github("federicazoe/gradetools") ``` --- class: middle ## Basics of grading: demo ```r assist_grading( rubric_path = "quiz-09-lin-reg-rubric.csv", roster_path = "class-roster.csv", grading_progress_log_path = "quiz-09-lin-reg-grading-progress-log.csv", final_grade_sheet_path = "quiz-09-lin-reg-final-grade-sheet.csv", example_student_identifier = "federicazoe", example_assignment_path = "quizzes/quiz-09a-lin-reg-federicazoe.Rmd", example_feedback_path = "quizzes/feedback-quiz-09a-lin-reg-federicazoe.html" ) ``` --- class: middle, center <div class="row"> <div class="column_left"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-left-ghost.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_center"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-center-1.png" alt="A rounded rectangle of yellow color saying 'automatically open/close assignment files'. Below this rounded rectangle is blank space as if more rectangles are still not shown." style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_right"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-right-ghost.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle, center <div class="row"> <div class="column_left"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-left-ghost.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_center"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-center-2.png" alt="Two rounded rectangles of yellow color saying 'automatically open/close assignment files' and 'assign scores and feedback to each assignment given the applied rubric items'. Below this rounded rectangle is blank space as if more rectangles are still not shown." style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_right"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-right-ghost.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle, center <div class="row"> <div class="column_left"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-left-ghost.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_center"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-center-3.png" alt="Three rounded rectangles of yellow color saying 'automatically open/close assignment files', 'assign scores and feedback to each assignment given the applied rubric items', and 'store grading progress'. Below this rounded rectangle is blank space as if more rectangles are still not shown." style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_right"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-right-ghost.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle, center <div class="row"> <div class="column_left"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-left-3.png" alt="A box labeled input with three bullet points: roster, rubric, and assignments." style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_center"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-center-3.png" alt="Three rounded rectangles of yellow color saying 'automatically open/close assignment files', 'assign scores and feedback to each assignment given the applied rubric items', and 'store grading progress'. Below this rounded rectangle is blank space as if more rectangles are still not shown." style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_right"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-right-3.png" alt="A box labeled output with three bullet points: grade sheet, feedback files, and GitHub issues." style="width:100%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle, center <div class="row"> <div class="column_left"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-left-4.png" alt="A box labeled preparation with three boxes contained within: 'obtain the roster' (shaded gray), 'create the rubric' (shaded yellow), 'retrieve the assignment' (shaded gray). Another box labeled input with three bullet points: roster, rubric, and assignments" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_center"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-center-3.png" alt="Three rounded rectangles of yellow color saying 'automatically open/close assignment files', 'assign scores and feedback to each assignment given the applied rubric items', and 'store grading progress'. Below this rounded rectangle is blank space as if more rectangles are still not shown." style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_right"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-right-3.png" alt="A box labeled output with three bullet points: grade sheet, feedback files, and GitHub issues." style="width:100%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle ## Formatting the roster - Must have student_identifier column - Can be anything unique to the student, for example: - Name - Student id - GitHub username --- class: middle ## Assignment/feedback file paths - The student identifier must be present and the only unique part - Provide one student identifier, assignment path(s), and feedback path <img src="figures/filepaths.png" alt="Code font: in one box 'example_student_identifier = CatalinaMedina' and in another 'example_assignment_path = c(final-project-CatalinaMedina/proposal.Rmd, final-project-CatalinaMedina/'" style="width:90%;"> --- class: center ## Example assignment directories <br> <br> <div class="row"> <div class="column_half_left"> <img src="figures/filepath-yes.jpg" alt="An example of a directory structure that works with gradetools. A directory with three files, each containing the student identifier in the same location and with no other difference except for the student identifier." style="width:90%"> </div> <div class="column_half_right"> <img src="figures/filepath-no.jpg" alt="An example of a directory structure that does not work with gradetools. A directory with three files, each containing the student identifier in the same location, but one file has '-FINAL' before the student identifier." style="width:90%"> </div> </div> --- class: center ## Example assignment directories <div class="row"> <div class="column_half_left"> <img src="figures/subfolders-yes.jpg" alt="An example of a directory structure that works with gradetools. A directory named 'week09' with three sub-directories labeled 'week09-mdogucu', 'week09-federicazoe' and 'week09-CatalinaMedina', each containing a file named 'quiz-09a-lin-reg.Rmd'." style="width:80%"> </div> <div class="column_half_right"> <img src="figures/subfolders-no.jpg" alt="An example of a directory structure that does not work with gradetools. A directory named 'week09' with three sub-directories labeled 'week09-mdogucu-quiz', 'week09-federicazoe' and 'week09-CatalinaMedina', each containing a file named 'quiz-09a-lin-reg.Rmd'." style="width:80%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle ## Three example arguments ```r example_student_identifier = "federicazoe" example_assignment_path = "quizzes/quiz-09a-lin-reg-federicazoe.Rmd" example_feedback_path = "quizzes/feedback-federicazoe.html" ``` --- class: hide-count, middle .pull-left[ ### Feedback extensions: - Rmd - md (for GitHub documents) - docx (for Word documents) - html - pdf ] -- .pull-right[ ### Assignment extensions: - Anything that opens in Rstudio using `navigateToFile()` ] --- class: middle, center <img src="figures/v1-rubric-filled.png" alt="A picture of a rubric csv file opened in Excel. The rubric has the headers: name, total_points, prompt_code, prompt_message, feedback, and points_to_remove. Each row of the rubric contains the information for a single rubric item. The file for this rubric can be found in gradetool's first vignette." style="width:100%;"> --- class: hide-count, middle .pull-left[ ### Rubric column headers: - name - total_points - prompt_code (entered by user) - prompt_message (displayed to user) - feedback (displayed to student) - points_to_remove or points_to_add ] -- .pull-right[ ### Rubric item types: - question/component - all_questions - general_feedback ] --- class: hide-count, middle .pull-left[ ### Rubric column headers: - name - total_points - prompt_code (entered by user) - prompt_message (displayed to user) - feedback (displayed to student) - points_to_remove or points_to_add ] .pull-right[ Use function .emph[create_rubric_template()] ### Rubric item types: - question/component - all_questions - general_feedback ] --- class: middle ## Review of `assist_grading()` arguments ```r assist_grading( rubric_path = "quiz-09-lin-reg-rubric.csv", roster_path = "class-roster.csv", grading_progress_log_path = "quiz-09-lin-reg-grading-progress-log.csv", final_grade_sheet_path = "quiz-09-lin-reg-final-grade-sheet.csv", example_student_identifier = "federicazoe", example_assignment_path = "quizzes/quiz-09a-lin-reg-federicazoe.Rmd", example_feedback_path = "quizzes/feedback-quiz-09a-lin-reg-federicazoe.html" ) ``` --- class: middle, center <div class="row"> <div class="column_left"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-left-4.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_center"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-center-3.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_right"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-right-3.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle, center <div class="row"> <div class="column_left"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-left-4.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_center"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-center-blue-1.png" alt=". A rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'add new rubric items while grading'. Below this rounded rectangle, some blank space as if more rectangles are still not shown. At the bottom, a legend that says 'gradetools' and 'yellow' for core, 'additional' for light blue." style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_right"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-right-3.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle, center <div class="row"> <div class="column_left"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-left-4.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_center"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-center-blue-2.png" alt="Below, a rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'add new rubric items while grading'. Below, another rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'give personalized feedback'. Below this last rounded rectangle, some blank space as if more rectangles are still not shown. At the bottom, a legend that says 'gradetools' and 'yellow' for core, 'additional' for light blue." style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_right"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-right-3.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle, center <div class="row"> <div class="column_left"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-left-4.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_center"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-center-blue-3.png" alt="Below, a rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'add new rubric items while grading'. Below, another rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'give personalized feedback'. Below, another rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'regrade specified questions and specified students'. Below this last rounded rectangle, some blank space as if more rectangles are still not shown. At the bottom, a legend that says 'gradetools' and 'yellow' for core, 'additional' for light blue." style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_right"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-right-3.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle, center <div class="row"> <div class="column_left"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-left-4.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_center"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-center.png" alt="Below, a rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'add new rubric items while grading'. Below, another rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'give personalized feedback'. Below, another rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'regrade specified questions and specified students'. Below, another rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'take note of GitHub issues to be created in students' repos. At the bottom, a legend that says 'gradetools' and 'yellow' for core, 'additional' for light blue." style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_right"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-right-3.png" alt="" style="width:100%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle, center <div class="row"> <div class="column_left"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-left.png" alt="Snow" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_center"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-center.png" alt="Below, a rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'add new rubric items while grading'. Below, another rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'give personalized feedback'. Below, another rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'regrade specified questions and specified students'. Below, another rounded rectangle of light blue color saying 'take note of GitHub issues to be created in students' repos. At the bottom, a legend that says 'gradetools' and 'yellow' for core, 'additional' for light blue." style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_right"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-right.png" alt="The square where the outputs are listed is linked to text box that reads '3. Finalization', which is the header of a rounded transparent rectangle around two gray-filled rounded rectangles that read 'upload the grade sheet' and 'distribute the feedback'. Nested within this last gray rectangle there are two smaller light blue colored rectangles that read 'push feedback files to GitHub' and 'create issues in students'repos on GitHub'" style="width:100%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle ## Assist grading functions | | Specify student and question to grade | GitHub | Team | |---------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | .code[assist_grading()] |
| | .code[assist_advanced_grading()] |
| | .code[assist_team_grading()] |
| --- class: middle ## Comprehensive demo... -- ```r assist_team_grading( rubric_path = "rubric.csv", roster_path = "roster.csv", grading_progress_log_path = "grading_progress_log.csv", final_grade_sheet_path = "final-grade-sheet.csv", example_assignment_path = c( "final-project-team-repos/final-project-team-gamma/", "final-project-team-repos/final-project-team-gamma/proposal/", "final-project-team-repos/final-project-team-gamma/presentation/presentation.Rmd" ) , example_feedback_path = "final-project-team-repos/final-project-team-gamma/", example_team_identifier = "gamma", github_issues = TRUE ) ``` --- ## Push feedback and issues ```r push_to_github( grading_progress_log_path = "grading_progress_log.csv", class_github_name = "gradetools-test-course", example_identifier = "gamma", example_github_repo = "final-project-team-gamma", push_feedback = TRUE, create_issues = TRUE, team_grading = TRUE ) ``` --- ## Re-grade ```r assist_regrading( rubric_path = "rubric.csv", grading_progress_log_path = "grading_progress_log.csv", final_grade_sheet_path = "final-grade-sheet.csv", questions_to_regrade = c("Proposal"), students_to_regrade = NULL, teams_to_regrade = c("gamma"), github_issues = TRUE ) ``` --- class: middle, center <div class="row"> <div class="column_left"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-left.png" alt="Snow" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_center"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-center.png" alt="Forest" style="width:100%"> </div> <div class="column_right"> <img src="figures/final-diagram-right.png" alt="Mountains" style="width:100%"> </div> </div> --- class: middle center ## Acknowledgements <img src="figures/nsf-logo.png" alt="NSF logo" width="10%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> NSF HDR DSC award \#2123366 <img src="figures/hpi-logo.jpeg" alt="Hasso Plattner Institute in Machine Learning and Data Science logo" width="20%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> HPI --- class: middle ## RESOURCES Package website: Tutorials: - How to grade with gradetools [
]( - How to regrade assignments with gradetools [
]( - Extended gradetools capability: Team Grading [
]( - Extended gradetools capability: Assignments on GitHub [
]( - Comprehensive example of grading with gradetools [
]( Package code: --- class: middle Thank you <hr> Questions? <hr>
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